
Therapy Session Quote

Get your customized therapy session quote

Understand and optimize your website

Websites are a tremendous tool for growing your business, but only if you know how to use them as a tool. We created our website therapy sessions to help businesses make sense of their website. Through our sessions, you will learn to understand your users’ needs and their online journeys. You will learn how to use your analytics tool to uncover challenges and barriers. We will help you to improve your conversion rate and business goals by unlocking the hidden power of your website.

What you will get out of the website therapy: 

  • Understanding your website users and their needs
  • Utilize your website to drive your business goals
  • Customized reporting for your KPIs
  • Analysis of your website performance and digital marketing channels
  • Website optimization roadmap and effective communication procedures with your web developers

Overview of our therapy session process



User research and interviews
Input from internal teams
Persona workshop
User journey workshop

$4,000 to $6,000


Reporting & Analysis

Website reporting template
Automation for regular updates
Website Analysis
Insights and recommendations

$3,000 to $6,000



Wishlist with prioritization and estimates
Website roadmap
Requirement template

$1,700 to $3,000


Content Excellence

Vision for Content Marketing goals
Content audit
Content workshop
Cheat sheet Sales Funnel

$2,100 to $3.000

Mix & Match or get the full package

You can choose parts of the website therapy or book the full package. Send us information about your business and we will contact you with a fully customized quote for your consideration.

Please note: If you choose not to take the strategy part, we will still need your input on your target audience and your website goals to help you with the other therapy sessions. We will add a basic fee to process and understand your strategy input.

I agree with Website Counseling's privacy statement which can be found here.

Please note: We are not charging you any money after sending this form. You will be charged based on the customized quote that you will receive shortly.

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