Review estimate

Free Estimate Review

Get expert feedback on your developer’s estimate. We will check if all details are included and make sure that the costs match your requirements. 

A good website estimate lays the groundwork for a great website.

Are you trying to find a developer to set up your website but you are not sure how to make the right decision? Are you wondering how much your website should cost? Or are you struggling to understand the information the developer wrote down in the estimate?

We know the struggle and we are here to help. Send us the website estimate you got from your website and we will give you expert feedback.

There are no strings attached.  We won’t try to convince you to book our services instead. We want you to find a professional developer you can trust and love to work with and to get the best result for your budget.

Here are the 4 things we will check for you:

Functionality check

We will check if all required functionalities are included in the review. We will make sure that the functionalities match your budget and prioritize functionalities if they seem too expensive and not necessary for the first website launch.

Budget check

Does the estimated budget match your requirements? Are there components in the budget that are too expensive without no explanation?

Check for completeness

Is everything included in the review that is necessary to develop and launch a fully functional website? Are there details missing that are crucial for a good outcome? Did the developer integrate project information like a timeframe, how to do the handover or how to implement an analytics tool?

Design specifications

Did the developer define how they will implement the theme/design for your website? Are there any details about how to make smaller customizations to match your company’s branding?

Send us your estimate

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